Source code for mainline.injection

import functools

import six
import wrapt

from mainline.exceptions import DiError
from mainline.utils import OBJECT_INIT, classproperty

    from inspect import FullArgSpec as ArgSpec
    from inspect import getfullargspec as getargspec
except ImportError:
    from inspect import ArgSpec, getargspec

[docs]class Injector(object): """ Base injector abc. """ def __init__(self, di): self.di = di def __call__(self, wrapped): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def decorate(self, wrapped): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class CallableInjector(Injector): """ Base injector for callables. """ def __init__(self, di, *args, **kwargs): super(CallableInjector, self).__init__(di) self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, wrapped): if isinstance(wrapped, six.class_types): cls = wrapped try: cls_init = six.get_unbound_function(cls.__init__) assert cls_init is not OBJECT_INIT except (AttributeError, AssertionError): raise DiError('Class %s has no __init__ to inject' % cls) cls.__init__ = self(cls_init) return cls if not any([self.args, self.kwargs]): self.injectables = self.di.get_deps(wrapped) else: self.injectables = [] if self.args: self.injectables.extend(self.args) if self.kwargs: self.injectables.extend(self.kwargs.values()) self.di.depends_on(*self.injectables)(wrapped) return self.decorate(wrapped)
[docs]class SpecInjector(CallableInjector): """ Injects requested deps into a callable's args and kwargs at execution time, taking callable's argspec into account. """
[docs] def decorate(self, wrapped): # Remove the number of args from the wrapped function's argspec spec = getargspec(wrapped) new_args = spec.args[len(self.args):] # Update argspec spec = ArgSpec(new_args, *spec[1:]) @wrapt.decorator(adapter=spec) def decorator(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): injected_args = list(self.di.iresolve(*self.args)) if args: injected_args.extend(args) injected_kwargs = { k: self.di.resolve(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(self.kwargs) if k not in kwargs # No need to resolve if we're overridden } if kwargs: injected_kwargs.update(kwargs) return wrapped(*injected_args, **injected_kwargs) return decorator(wrapped) # pylint: disable=E1120
[docs]class NotFound(Exception): pass
[docs]class AutoSpecInjector(CallableInjector): """ Injects inferred deps into a callable's args and kwargs at execution time. Deps are inferred based on the callable's argspec (ie the names of the arguments), and/or function annotations. """
[docs] def decorate(self, wrapped): spec = getargspec(wrapped) def decorator(*args, **kwargs): # TODO Might want auto to not be restrictable, hmm. # injectables = set(self.injectables or self.di.providers) injectables = self.di.providers # These are py3 only, so use getattr with a default spec_kwonlyargs = getattr(spec, 'kwonlyargs', []) spec_annotations = getattr(spec, 'annotations', {}) def _find_injectable(arg): # Allow override of injected name via kwarg syntax injected_as_name=injectable_name arg = self.kwargs.pop(arg, arg) # If exact match, return that; it gets priority over annotations if arg in injectables: return self.di.resolve(arg) # Py3 argument annotations: def test(blah: 'an_annotation') if arg in spec_annotations: # Allow override of injected name via annotation (py3) # Note: this should only be tried after the exact match arg_annotation = spec_annotations[arg] if arg_annotation in injectables: return self.di.resolve(arg_annotation) # Nope, can't be found raise NotFound(arg) injected_args = [] injected_kwargs = {} # Positional args args_cur_index = 0 for arg in spec.args: try: obj = _find_injectable(arg) except NotFound: try: obj = args[args_cur_index] args_cur_index += 1 except IndexError: # This means there aren't enough args given, which means this will most likely result in # TypeError. Just let that happen so we don't hide the true exception. break # this is wanted since these are positional injected_args.append(obj) # Top it off with any remaining positional args remaining_args = args[args_cur_index:] if remaining_args: injected_args.extend(remaining_args) # Py3 keyword only args: def test(*, arg1) for arg in spec_kwonlyargs: try: obj = _find_injectable(arg) except NotFound: try: obj = kwargs.pop(arg) except KeyError: # This means there aren't enough args given, which means this will most likely result in # TypeError. Just let that happen so we don't hide the true exception. continue injected_kwargs[arg] = obj injected_kwargs.update( { k: self.di.resolve(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(self.kwargs) if k not in kwargs # No need to resolve if we're overridden } ) if kwargs: injected_kwargs.update(kwargs) return wrapped(*injected_args, **injected_kwargs) return decorator
[docs]class ClassPropertyInjector(Injector): """ Injects requested dep into a classproperty. """ def __init__(self, di, key, name=None, replace_on_access=False): super(ClassPropertyInjector, self).__init__(di) self.key = key = name self.replace_on_access = replace_on_access def _wrap_classproperty(self, cls, key, name, replace_on_access, owner=None): # owner is set to the instance if applicable val = self.di.resolve(key) if replace_on_access: setattr(cls, name, val) return val def __call__(self, klass): name = or self.key # Register as dependency for klass self.di.depends_on(self.key)(klass) # Add in arguments partial = functools.partial(self._wrap_classproperty, klass, self.key, name, self.replace_on_access) # Create classproperty from it clsprop = classproperty(partial) # Attach descriptor to object setattr(klass, name, clsprop) # Return class as this is a decorator return klass